MMEG is a nonprofit, public charity whose mission is to improve the lives of women and children by supporting the higher education of exceptional women from developing countries who will catalyze change.


MMEG Facts

Since 1981, MMEG has been working to empower women by supporting their education so that they can build a better world.  We are very proud to present our numbers. Grantees have focused on diverse fields of study, including engineering, information technologies, health, science, education, social studies, and law.



Grantees from




FY24 GRANT Programs

The US-Canada Program accepts applications from September 15 to January 15. Click here to meet our 2024 grantees and apply here during the application period.

The Trinity Washington University Program accepts applications from September 15 to January 15. Click here to meet our 2024 grantees and apply here during the application period.

Les candidatures pour le nouveau programme destiné aux étudiantes francophones étudiant en France le « France Program » sont ouvertes du 15 octobre au 15 janvier. Cliquez ici pour rencontrer nos lauréates 2024 et cliquez ici pour postuler pendant la période de candidature // The new France Program, for French-speaking students studying in France, accepts applications from October 15 to January 15. Click here to meet our 2024 grantees and apply here during the application period.

The South Africa Program accepts applications from May 15 to September 14. Click here to meet our 2024 grantees and apply here during the application period.

El programa para America Latina y el Caribe nuevas aplicaciones a partir del 1 de Junio, hasta el 30 de Septiembre. Presione aquí para conocer a las ganadoras de nuestra beca para 2024 y aplique aquí durante el periodo de aplicación // The Latin America and Caribbean Program accepts applications from June 1 to September 30. Click here to meet our 2024 grantees and apply here during the application period.

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As a volunteer-led and run organization, MMEG relies upon your continued support for our programs, our grantees, and our ultimate success. 

Are you ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause and/or participate yourself.